Thursday, 27 September 2012

Planning schedule

28/09- Start filming in lesson, Jen and Toni edit in period 5
01/10- Lesson 4 after lunch, film during media lesson, half of us film and the other half edit.
02/10- Jen and Toni edit after lunch (period 4)
03/10- The whole group meet after dinner, decide on a plan close to the date as for what needs to be done (all filming should be done by here)
04/10- Jen and Toni both free 3rd
05/10- Lesson and 5th period
08/10- Deadline, 4o'clock. Add final adjustments in our lesson.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Deconstruction and reconstruction of a media text

The song chosen by our group is Florence and the Machine- Rabbit Heart, in the group is;
  • Philippa Branton- Director
  • Nadia Skalli- Producer
  • India Whitely- Camera/Editing
  • Jen Wilson- Camera/Editing
  • Toni Hardcastle- Camera/Editing

Lyrics to Sia- Breathe me (second count)

(intro) 0-15 seconds
Help, I have done it again                                                                                   16-22 (6seconds)
I have been here many times before                                                                23-31 (8seconds)
Hurt myself again today                                                                                     32-37 (5seconds)
And, the worst part is there's no-one else to blame                                       40-48 (8seconds)

Be my friend                                                                                                         58-51 (3seconds)
Hold me, wrap me up                                                                                         54-59 (5seconds)
Unfold me                                                                                                     1.00-1.04 (4 seconds)
I am small                                                                                                      1.05-1.09 (4seconds)
And needy                                                                                                      1.10-1.12 (2seconds)
Warm me up                                                                                                  1.13-1.17 (4seconds)
And breathe me                                                                                            1.18-1.22 (4seconds)

Ouch I have lost myself again                                                                    1.25-1.30 (5seconds)
Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found,                                            1.33-1.40 (7seconds)
Yeah I think that I might break                                                                1.41-1.46 (5seconds)
I've lost myself again and I feel unsafe                                                    1.49-1.57 (8seconds) 

Be my friend                                                                                                   1.58-1.59 (1second)
Hold me, wrap me up                                                                                  2.03-2.08 (5seconds)
Unfold me                                                                                                      2.11-1.13 (2seconds)
I am small                                                                                                     2.14-2.18 (4seconds)
And needy                                                                                                    2.19- 2.21 (2seconds)
Warm me up                                                                                                2.22- 2.26 (4seconds)
And breathe me                                                                                           2.27-2.29 (2seconds)

Be my friend                                                                                                2.30-2.32 (2seconds)
Hold me, wrap me up                                                                                 2.35-2.40 (5seconds)
Unfold me                                                                                                    2.43-2.45 (2seconds)
I am small                                                                                                    2.45-2.50 (4seconds)
And needy                                                                                                   2.51-3.53 (2seconds)
Warm me up                                                                                               2.54-2.58 (4seconds)
And breathe me                                                                                          2.59-3.06 (7seconds)
                                                                                                 (Outro) 3.06-4.27 (121 seconds)

Skills development

When I started my foundation portfolio I already had a little experience using Photoshop and other editing software, I learnt media studies at school and gained 4 A grades from the subject by using the skills I had learnt in Photoshop. The knowledge I already had using the software helped a lot when I started the AS media course because I had to create a magazine cover, contents page and double page spread for my foundation portfolio. For this project I had to use my own original photographs, I had to take numerous photographs and a final one for the front cover; I then edited my photographs and created my magazine using Photoshop. Over the weeks creating the magazine I became more familiar with the tools on Photoshop which helped me to create better looking images as my skills became more advanced. My cover photograph had 3 models; the photograph had to be a medium close up and show a connection with the audience, I took a lot of images of the 3 girls and chose the one that I thought was best for the cover. I researched a lot of different magazines of the same genre to get information and ideas about the codes and conventions of this genre, the genre of the magazine I chose was ‘indie’ focusing on an audience who were fans of artists like ‘Ben Howard’ and ‘Lana Del Ray’. A big inspiration for my magazine was the ‘NME’ magazine as it also focuses on the same audience. I used the conventions of other magazines sold in shops like, barcodes, titles, photographs, mast heads, skylines etc. to make my magazine look like many of the other magazines sold in shops, the price of my magazine was £2.30, when researching other magazines I realised that this price was right for my target audience.  

As a group we were all shown different tools and editing techniques on Photoshop, this was really useful to me as I learnt a lot about using Photoshop in that one lesson and I used a lot of the things I learnt on my photographs throughout the whole of my AS year, we were shown how to get rid of blemishes on the models skin using tools like the ‘spot healing tool’ and also how to create more of a porcelain looking skin by using the layer tool. We were also shown how to create different effects on the text for the magazine; I created a shattered effect on a heading for the context page using different effects on Photoshop.

The first piece of work I created using Photoshop was a college magazine, looking back at the piece it didn’t look very good as I only knew a little about using Photoshop, as the year went on I developed more skills which made me a lot more confident when creating the music magazine, I think that if I was to do another task like this the media text would look a lot better as I would be able to put all of my skills together rather than add them as I had picked them up.

I hope that the skills I learnt last year will help me in creating my A2 portfolio; I have chosen to create a music video but when creating the cover for the album I will need to take appropriate pictures and edit them for my album cover.

Thursday, 20 September 2012


  My music video will have two dancers, i each dancer to be very opposite, as if it was one person with two personalities. One girl will have very dark make-up and the other will have a more pale/fresh make-up style.

Qualitative data
Ways of collecting information that are concerned with understanding on conveying meanings or contexts, rather than making statistical inferences. Eg. Participant observation focus groups, in-depth interviews, etc.

Quantitative data
Information that is collected or represented numerically; typically focuses on counting characteristics or behavior rather than meanings; easy to analyse statistically. Eg. Surveys, experiments, questionnaires, Etc.

Psychographic data
Physcographic data is the study of personalities, values, attitudes and interests

Demographic data
Vital and social facts that describe a sample or a population

Chosen brief

For my A2 coursework I have chosen the music video brief.
My chosen song is "Sia- Breath me", I am not using this version of the song and instead am using an original acoustic version which I will be recording myself. I have chosen to create a narrative video